‧Supports BACnet MS/TP slave protocol
‧Easy to be connected and controlled via software of other brands
‧Functions as BACnet MS/TP remote I/O or gateway
‧Supports MODBUS with user-defined protocol
‧High noise immunity
‧High speed module on the left (PLC needed)

Supports BACnet MS/TP slave protocol
Easy to be connected and controlled via software of other brands
Functions as BACnet MS/TP remote I/O or gateway
Supports MODBUS with user-defined protocol
High noise immunity
High speed module on the left (PLC needed)
Transmission method: RS-485/RS-422
Type : Feed-through terminals, with spring plugs
Terminal resistance : built in 120 ohm with a switch
Baudrates : 1,200、2,400、4,800、9,600、19,200、38,400、57,600、76,800,、115,200、230,400、 460,800 bps
Communication protocol : BACnet MS/TP Slave、MODBUS ASCII/RTU、UD Link