‧Supports Modbus protocol
‧Connectable to 8 DVP-S series analog I/O modules
‧Connectable to 256 points of digital I/O modules
‧Max. baudrate: 115.2k bpsk

Supports Modbus protocol
Connectable to 8 DVP-S series analog I/O modules
Connectable to 256 points of digital I/O modules
Max. baudrate: 115.2k bpsk
Transmission method: RS-485
Connector: 3-pin, removable
Serial baudrate: 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200 bps
Data type: Modbus ASCII/RTU
Power supply voltage: 24 VDC (-15 to 20%)